Thursday, May 6, 2010

~Dreams that Grow~


Seems an eternity ago that I became a mother for the first time.  I remember being so mad at my
Father-in-law who said she looked like a boy.  Isn't that funny, cause years later someone said that with Emma and I just laughed at them.

In just a few weeks Mel becomes a Freshman.  I can't believe that God has blessed me with a daughter who truly wants to do the right thing.  When I was her age, I didn't want to get in trouble, but it wasn't my heart's desire to please God in all I did.  Last year I was surprised to find she had decided to read through the Bible and well into Exodus before she shared what she was doing.
Our years with her at home are drawing to a close and really we live in a new phase where we begin to let go ever so slowly and she learns to navigate in the world.

As Mother's day approaches I find myself missing my mommy and thinking about the same things my mom wrote about in many of her journals.  I want to finish well.  So many parents start out well, but as the years pass they become more selfish and often abdicate their parenting roll alltogether just as the game is heating up.  In so many ways our children need us more as they begin to spread their wings.  Her future is just around the corner and in these days she'll be making decisions daily with long range consequences.

I continue to pray as my mom did for me that in all things she will know and love Jesus, my own experience tells me that in this there is Joy! 

Fair warning I haven't written about Jackie yet, so there is one more installment in my
Musings of a Mama Series.  :)


  1. Beautiful, Heidi! I had the privelege of sitting next to Mel last night at Awana Derby. I sat there thinking how I hope my kids grow up shining for Jesus like she does. She has such a beautiful heart. One that does genuounly want to serve Jesus, it's obvious. I loved sitting next to her as she cheered and cheered for Annie's car to win the races as if it were her own car. It was precious. We couldn't find where Annie was sitting, but it didn't matter, she was cheering loud and strong as if Annie could hear her. I love that our kids cheer for one another and support one another. It's a beautiful thing.

    It was also a joy to see her with Emma last night. She's going to make a wonderful Mommy someday, just like you! I can tell! I love that she loves her little sister and it shows!

    I love your heart, Heidi. I love your love for your children. I love that you still have thier heart even now as teens. Too many times we see, as you said, parents getting more and more selfish and in turn, their kids turn further and further away and it's as they lose their childrens heart in the process. They DO need us even as Freshmen and beyond.

    Thank for your inspiring me to keep going in this journey of motherhood and homeschool mom. We have them for such a short time..

    Love you!!

  2. Gret, aren't we blessed to walk in community with other families who want to raise thier children in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord?
    Love you too!

  3. We sure are!! What a blessing to have like minded families to connect with.
