Sunday, May 16, 2010

Homeschool, that word is a mouthful!

So, as a tribute to our passing the 10 year mark of homeschooling I'm gonna chat pet peeves.  If you've home schooled any length of time at all you are familiar with these first couple.  You've probably also realized that except in private conversations with earnest seekers the best response is to bite your tongue.  Mine has been especially bloody lately. 

In America the first thing we ask people is what they do, so that leads to the inevitable answer, I HOME SCHOOL.  Then, there seem to be a couple of very prevalent answers:
  • I could never do that...  Which if you home school you know is almost a complete lie because none of us are equipped and yet I know people doing it successfully from almost every educational background and socioeconomic status on the planet.  Here's the thing, we can all do what we know we are called to.  We can get organized, we can be faithful to do it each day.  It all comes down to what we believe and our priorities.   
  • My kids would drive me insane....  Well frankly, mine drive me insane too.  I just don't focus on that part.  I focus on the many wonderful things that happen everyday.  Little rays of sunshine.  Here's the answer I almost never say out loud, "my kids drove me insane too and as God worked in my heart to crucify the flesh, my human nature.  He released me from my selfish ambitions and let me find true joy in the children He gave me."  This is absolutely true, the first two years I home schooled I learned more than I can share about my sinful nature and the pride of my heart.  I could see up close and personal as my children parroted back what I truly believed and not just what I said.  (Not a very popular answer though)
  • I don't ever want to do that....  At last a little honesty.  Although I wouldn't suggest we ever tell God no.  I'm just saying, I was one of those I will never do it people, but by the time He got done taking me around Mt Sinai....Well, let's just say I was a homeschooling momma.
This brings me to another topic, the constant advice given by home school moms who you find out are only in their 1st or 2nd yr of homeschooling.  Stop it!  Until you've done this awhile, and I mean awhile, Stop it!.  Most of you will quit after 5 yrs max.  What you don't know when your kids are small is how many types of families there are, how many learning styles there are, how many thousands of curriculums there are.... and shocker most of your kids will learn pretty much the same things if you will get up each day and work the home school program you have picked.  I'm totally serious.  What will not work is not finishing your workbooks or jumping from curriculum to curriculum, because that will create gaps you can't fix.  Okay, I think I'm done ranting...

Here's what I will say...
What I say to every single newbie home school mom who asks me.  Pick a curriculum for your first year.  The whole package deal.  You have several goals during your first year.  To understand your teaching style, to understand how your child learns, to set up an educational goal for your family.  A standard curriculum really sheds light on all of this. 
You will see right away that there are parts that you hate/love doing, ie your teaching style.  There will be certain ways in which you will notice that your child best gathers information, ie your child's learning style.  Be careful to watch, most parents tend to teach their kids in whatever way they learn.  This leads to crying and frustration.
Your family's educational goals are multi-faceted.  You are figuring out how your family will "do school".  Every family will do this very differently.  The only right way is the way it works for you.  Out of this establish a goal.  In my family, we are educating with the goal that every one of our children will attend college.  We are also working to raise young people who love the Father and in that love want to be a blessing to the nations.  We strain all the opportunities we have through this filter.  We say no to many extra things that deviate from our family goal.  I believe that God has set our children in families because He knows what they will become.  It is our job to listen and walk it out.

Sorry, this was a long one, allot of random thoughts in my head tonight.  Hopefully, if you disagree you will have grace. 
May We Be Found Faithful,  Heidi Girl


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Yes, those questions do get annoying. My favourite is what my sister-in-law tells me every time: If I homeschooled, my kids would end up dumb, and beaten.

    EEEEEEEeeek! It is supposed to be a joke- but sometimes I feel like I get what she is saying!
